Went to grandma’s garden to play but for some reason she put a stone on top of the melon


Uses of Stones in Watermelon Farming

Deterring Birds: Stones placed on top of watermelons help keep birds away. When birds land on watermelons with stones on them, the unstable surface discourages them from feeding, causing them to fly off.

Ripeness Indicator: Farmers use stones to mark ripe watermelons. Typically, watermelons take about a month to fully ripen after flowering.

Sunlight Protection: Stones are also used to shield watermelons from direct sunlight. This helps prevent sunburn and ensures the fruit develops properly.

Even Growth: Stones can help watermelons grow more evenly. As the melons reach a certain size, placing stones on them can encourage vertical growth and promote a more uniform shape.

Quality Enhancement: Additionally, using stones can contribute to improving the overall quality of the watermelons.

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